Katlyn- Marine Wife, Mom to Cy + Raef

When I thought about the characteristics of an inspiring mom, Katlyn popped into my head. For the many years I’ve known her {dating back to elementary school} her sweet and caring demeanor has never changed. Her role as a Marine wife is an inspiration to many moms. She was kind enough to do an interview for Appleseed + Sprout and offer a little insight on her role as a wife and mom.

Photography by Matt Whytsell Photography 

Welcoming Baby Raef

The best parts of being a military wife {and the most challenging parts}?

The bond with the other Marine wives is one of the best parts. You are able to relate to each other because you experience the same challenges and day to day military life. You learn to make best friends fast, and saying goodbye is hard when it’s time to move on to the next duty station. The most challenging aspect for me is moving frequently and unexpectedly. 

How do you handle deployment with two young sons {Cy – two years old} and Raef {3 months old}?

This duty is much harder than the first deployment. The first deployment I was pregnant with Cy and I was busy in school. Not being able to communicate often was stressful, but I kept myself busy. 

Although he’s not in a war zone now, this separation is much harder because of our boys. He left for Japan when Cy was 18 months old and I was 15 weeks pregnant. Now Cy 2 and at a very curious stage. I remind Cy constantly about Clint and try to involve Clint in everything we do. We got Cy the Daddy Doll, and it really helped him adjust to Clint being gone the first few months. Even in times that it isn’t convenient for our schedule, we try to talk to him twice a day. It is so important for Cy and Raef to see Clint and to hear his voice each day. 

Advice for other military wives who are enduring their first deployment and time away from their husbands?

Distance is hard, but with time and experience you learn to handle it your own way. Clint and I know what works for us. We’ve gone months with only hand written letters, months without any communication at all, and I think we’d both agree it was at those time we felt the closest. Over time, you’ll know what is best for you and your husband. Don’t doubt your love when he’s not able to remind you, focus on the good times and him returning home.

Sister + Best Friend + Mom

Meet Stetson. He is eight-months old with a vibrant personality. This little guy loves his stuffed giraffe, the beach, and strolls in the Bumbleride. He has a special place in my heart because he is my sweet little nephew.

Laurel is a talented jewelry designer, shop owner of Anchor Boutique and mother to Stetson.  As her younger sister I’ve always looked up to her {especially for fashion and beauty advice} and to watch her as a momprenuer is inspiring.

Story of your store:

I was making jewelry out of my house and traveling a lot. It was time to take my business to the next step and have more of a professional presence. Not only did I open the store, I became a Mom shortly after. It was an exciting and crazy year!

Most surprising thing about parenting?

Even at your most sleep-deprived state, you still keep going. I never imagined that I could continue and manage to do everything with as little sleep that I get. It’s very surprising!

Craziest thing you’ve done sleep deprived?

Calling people by different names!

Favorite go-to baby product?

FuzziBunz, cloth diapers. After trying a few other brands these are perfect for Stetson. They are easy to clean and super soft.

Top 5 Tips for Moms:

1. Don’t be too afraid or proud to ask for help. Even if you just need a nap!

2. Hold them as much as you can while they are little.

3. Take them wherever you go. They’ll be social, well-behaved and not as bored.

4. Have date nights with you partner. So important to the relationship.

5. Talk to other moms. They have great advice!

Allison & her girls

Meet Ryan {8}, Maggie {7}, and Frankie {5}- three incredibly adorable sisters. They love Littlest Miss Shop, drawing, sweet treats, and they adore their family and friends. Equally amazing, Allison, their mother is one of the most energetic and inspiring moms I know.

I met Allison during my junior year of high school. She needed a babysitter for Ryan who was just six months old at the time. I couldn’t have asked for a more fun family to work for. Allison’s energy and positive attitude is contagious. She gives life to a dull room. And of course she had to have an abundant amount of energy. She had three babies in three years!

A little Q+A with R, M, & F:

What do you want to be when you grow up?

R: Singer

M: Artist

F: Artist

Favorite Famous Person?

R: Selena Gomez

M: Danielle Baker

F: Lady GaGa

Favorite Movie/Book?

R: Tale of Despereaux is my favorite book. Movie is Secret World of Arrietty. (We just saw it!)

M: Heidi Heckelbeck, Secret World of Arrietty

F: No favorite book, Secret World of Arrietty

Favorite Outfit?

R: Sparkly stuff, dresses

M: Flowerly things

F: dresses

If you had a magic wand, what would you do?

R: I would buy as many clothes and shoes as I can with the wand.

M: Make everything come alive!

F: Make my toys come alive!

Meet Allison

How have your children changed you? I’ve learned to be patient. Also, my priorities have changed. Things are more important when you have children, even the most simple things, like recycling.

Guilty Pleasure- Having a  babysitter come over for a couple of hours each week. Just taking a couple hours a week for yourself will rejuvenate you.

Parenting Motto- Days are long, years are short.

Especially when you are sleep-deprived, each day is like Groundhog Day. In that moment it is hard to appreciate the simple things. But you’ll look back on how fast time actually goes. Appreciate the moments!

Top 5 Tips for Moms-

1. Have a babysitter once or twice a week.

2. Practice patience.

3. Pre-mommy advice: Don’t read all the books. {or just stick to one} It can become overwhelming reading all the books before baby arrives.

4. Be in pictures with your kids! Try to not always be behind the camera. Get in the shots- your kids will want that one day.

5. Follow through with discipline. No empty threats.